Genesis at Earls Court! The ticket was two quid; seated three rows from the back (the stage was a good bus ride away); I missed the supporting 'Legendary' Richie Havens (I had no idea who he was), but did manage to buy a plastic pint of piss from the couldn't give a toss corporate bar, and at aged thirteen, back in nineteen-seventy-seven, buying alcohol (or at least a close approximation of) over a bar was like scoring Dilaudid from old Doctor Benway himself.
The gig was massive. Even from my lack of vantage point.
This was the time when Genesis were carrying their gear around the world in five articulated lorries!
They were using lights from 747s; erecting five gigantic hexagonal mirrors above the stage to allow for lasers and lights to be bounced around; there were slide shows and moving images; and at one point ('Supper's Ready': "A flower...") humongous psychedelic flowers emerged from the floor of the stage and danced in time to the music.
A right blooming spectacle.
And I was sick on the way home...
Loved it!
As for the recording...
Well, Living Revelations is certainly one of the better vinyl bootlegs made from this period: decently pressed with a good quality of sound.
The Daddy from this period (or should that be 'Mama'... [think I've had toooo many mince-pies...]) is essentially the official release Seconds Out, but I prefer this.
It's still lush, but not over the top.
The recording sounds more spacious, especially during the opening 'One For The Vine', a track not included on Seconds Out, which was a weird omission when you hear this version, because it sounds hot; I guess it just didn't fit that more 'Greatest Hits' kind of album that Seconds Out really was.
Other tracks of interest include a good recording of 'Inside and Out' from the Spot the Pigeon e.p. and a Collins' voiced version of early Genesis favourite 'The Knife'; which he fair belts out, it must be said.
Genesis - Living Revelations (1977)
One For the Vine
Inside and Out
Firth of Fifth
Dance on a Volcano
Los Endos
Lamb Lies Down
Musical Box (Close)
The Knife
Decent vinyl rip@320kbs
Rare one this.
Those with nostalgic bent go here
Never really got into the later post Gabriel Genesis, but I once had a autographed 'Trick of The Tail' bought in HMV in Glesca. Stolen in London...
Have a great 2010 Roy...catch you around.
Agreed, post-Gabriel Genesis were a very different amnimal.
Should have changed their name... but they were obviously in denial of their own evolution...
Best Wishes to ya, Mona.
Shanti, roy
thanks roy, and many happy returns on the new year.. i don't think genesis changed that much post-gabriel and trick and wind and wuthering are gorgeous albums.. i think peter naturally ran his course.. thanks again roy.. tony
It was post-Hackett, rather than post-Gabriel that they really changed.
Fair comment.
'And Then There Were Three' was bollocks!
HNY2U2! roy
I agree once Hackett departed the prog ran dry
Indeed, the departure of Hackett marked the real change. They cutted their roots and started that commercial thing. The more they sold, the more they drove to radio pop. The going of Gabriel was realy sad, but with the going of Hackett virtuosity and creativity went away. Everything what Genesis was in and for the 1970's was no more. They were really like a new band. They wanted the big money and they got it. You can't blame them for that. What remaines are the fantatstic albums and shows of the '70s like this little one from Earls Court'77. I had no idea that it exist and found it only by chance while looking for something else. What a wonderful album, highly recommendable. Many thanks for posting it. Very fine Blog... THX
It's funny how Gabriel nowdays is terribly dismissive of his time with Genesis.
Personally, I think the majority of his solo stuff, especially material after the first couple of solo releases, is a load of old tosh.
Anyway, cheers for comment(s). roy
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