Slightly ironic I always thought, as Animals (still my favourite Pink Floyd album; with 'Pigs' being one of my all time favourite songs [nice version on here, with improved guitar solo]) was just as interesting a response to the shitty-seventies as Never Mind the Bollocks - and in their themes and attitudes actually quite similar.
Although Waters preferred to spit at the audience rather than have them spit at him.

Part One
Pigs on the Wing
Pigs on the Wing 2
Shine on You Crazy Diamond (part one)
Welcome to the Machine
Part Two
Have a Cigar
Wish You Were Here
Shine on You Crazy Diamond (part two)
Us and Them
Careful With That Axe Eugene
CD rip to mp3s
Part One includes artwork
That's a hellova collection of songs you made available there. I take my hat off to you Roy.
You're correct about the similarities in attitudes between 'The Pistols' and 'The Floyd' all you need to do is put on The 'Division Bell' or Water's solo album 'The Final Cut' and the poltics oozes out of them. Although The Pistols were much more anarchic methinks.
Just wondering why choose 'Animals' over the other Floyd albums?
oh Mr Rocket, nice t-shirts best wishes xx
'Animals' was the first Floyd album I bought on release; somehow it captures that time really well; very evocative but probably on a personal level...
Hmm, Teifidancer, you got me.
Regards, roy
Yeah there's every bit as much anger in Animals PF as in the Sex Pistols. . . maybe you could say there's more constructive cynicism in Waters than in Lydon tough. Lydon in time seemed to ever more emanate embarrassing, snarling, self-loving petulance, whatever good that's supposed to do the wider world.
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