Fish or no Fish.
And he still is!
In fact, Joe has one of the more interesting voices of dissent heard in recent years.
Check this out:
As for this album, well, it’s a fantastic introduction to his music, and includes some brilliant live recordings unique to this release.
Barry Melton’s guitar playing is quite superb; to say nothing of his vocal delivery; his voice on ‘Love’ is tonsil breaking and nerve shattering. Yeah, man, he really means it.
My favourite moment on this album occurs during the transition between the tracks ‘Rock and Soul Music’ and ‘Love’.
‘Rock and Soul Music’ ends with a repeated chord played seven times, staccato-like. On the eighth beat, the whole band shout in unison: ‘marijuana’, which is the cue into ‘Love’.
Okay, sounds a bit complicated.
I guess you’ve got to hear it; but honestly, cracks me up every time.
The track still raises a smile, and is still able, in all its cynicism, to make the listener feel a little contrite, and listening to it now, makes one feel a little disillusioned.
It reminds me that we blew it.
An opportunity lost.
And we are now paying the consequences.
Country Joe and the Fish - The Life and Times of Country Joe & the Fish: From Haight-Ashbury to Woodstock (1971)
Fixing to Die Rag
Bass Strings
Flying High
Porpoise Mouth
Untitled Protest
Who Am I
Waltzing in the Moonlight
Death Sound Blues
Sing Sing Sing
Not So Sweet Martha Loraine
Rock and Soul Music
Crystal Blues
Masked Marauder
Love Machine
Fixing to Die Rag
Excellent cassette rip @ 256kbs
Grab a whiff of the sixties here for Part One
Inhale with the Fish here for Part Two
Just discovered your thing via Fuzzy. Thanks for the seafood. Music Junkie at Fusion 45
many thanks, this was in fact my intro to the fish back in 74, but although I've amassed the original lps over the years I lost the compilation en route - good to hear it again [esp the live tracks]
never knew the country joe bit.. hippie friend introduced me to these guys.. good music.. thanx man, roger
Glad to turn you on.
I have some other interesting Country Joe pieces.
May well post some of those in the future.
But really glad others still dig his music.
Shanti, roy
Though all other CJ&tF rercords seem to have been reissued on cd I'm not sure about this one. Pretty hard to find anyway and nice to hear those tracks again, especially the live songs that really smoke.
I managed to get part 2, but can't grab part 1. Can anything be done?
Thank you.
Keep an eye on an update; I'll re-up this.
Links fixed.
Navigate as normal
Thanks for the re-up. now I can complete this great post. Know this band well, but have never seen this one. Thanks for all your efforts.
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